On 29th April 2021, the Fire Safety Bill received Royal Assent and is now known as the Fire Safety Act 2021. The Act enforces a new regime for fire safety in the construction industry in order to ensure safety for every resident in the country. This comes after the Grenfell Tower fire that took the lives of 72 residents in 2017. The independent inquiry that was commissioned by the government to investigate the tragedy found that there were various issues in the industry that needed to be addressed, including the lack of transparency and accountability industry wide. Dame Judith Hackitt who led this inquiry proposed a series of reforms that could help increase accountability and transparency in the industry that would lead to better fire safety. The findings and suggestions from this report were put forward in the Fire Safety Bill which is now known as the Fire Safety Act 2021.
The Fire Safety Act 2021 is soon to be enforced industry wide. For those wanting to learn more about the various reforms mentioned in this Act, our Fire Safety Act Lunch & Learn is for you. Once you sign up for this email course, you will be sent one email every day for the next five days, each explaining the various aspects of the new Fire Safety Act 2021. The course covers the following topics:
-The Origin of the Fire Safety Act 2021 and an Introduction to the Act
-Changes in the Fire Safety Act 2021
-How to Ensure Compliance with the New Regulations in Private and Public Sector Residentials
-Application of the Fire Safety Act 2021
-Dutyholders Mentioned in the Fire Safety Act 2021
-The Three Planning Gateways as Mentioned in the Act
-Regulations for External Wall Systems Based on the Fire Safety Act 2021
-Regulations for Specifying Balconies in Compliance
-Balcony Decking Requirements
-Final Summary and a Test Your Knowledge Quiz
Sign up and start learning today!
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